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 Mountain Ridge Five has been working with Jim Wood's Tennessee Studios in Shelbyville, TN  and we have been working on  recording a new music project and we hope to have this project completed and released in early 2025. We have experienced some recent changes in band members and our producer as well as our band has made the decision to revisit the recording project and go back and recut some tracks so that this project when released will be more in line with the current  vocal configuration of the band as well as featuring some special guest to enhance the musical experience of the project . We don't anticipate any major delays at this time and we look forward to having this available for you by early spring of 2025.
More details are forth coming as this project nears completion.

cd cover.png
Sitting On To Of The World DemoMountain RIdge Five
00:00 / 01:06
Drifting With The TideMountain Ridge Five
00:00 / 01:09
Fox On The Run DemoMountain Ridge Five
00:00 / 00:40
Dear KentuckyMountain Ridge Five
00:00 / 00:47
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